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Worldwide ant nuptial flights data

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Last nuptial flights

Days old: 
<= 2
2 - 3
3 - 7
7 - 15
15 - 365
>= 365

Zehntwerderweg 21A, 13469 Berlin, Germany
Atm. state: Sunny | 31.00ºC - 87.80ºF | Humidity: 39% | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Low | Lunar cycle:  Waning Crescent Moon

Notes: 10alates, no males, dropped on the same quaremeter, contrary to Seifert(2006) not a Single Cloud was Shown today, last flight (week a go) had simliliar condition but clouds 2 hours after flight

Vancouver, WA 98661, USA
Atm. state: Cloudy | 24.00ºC - 75.20ºF | Humidity: 33% | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Not set | Lunar cycle:  Waning Crescent Moon


QMH4+2V Foldada, Spain
Atm. state: Overcast | 25.00ºC - 77.00ºF | Humidity: 40% | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Not set | Lunar cycle:  Last Quarter Moon


28500 Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain
Atm. state: Overcast | 23.00ºC - 73.40ºF | Humidity: 65% | Wind: Light air | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: High | Lunar cycle:  Last Quarter Moon

Notes: Only found this one by casuality, but there probably were more

04240 Viator, Almería, Spain
Atm. state: Sunny | 27.00ºC - 80.60ºF | Humidity: 64% | Wind: Gentle | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Low | Lunar cycle:  Waning Gibbous Moon

Notes: Se encontraron múltiples reinas y machos alados

Pforzheimer Str. 9, 13469 Berlin, Germany
Atm. state: Sunny | 22.00ºC - 71.60ºF | Humidity: 60% | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: High | Lunar cycle:  Waning Gibbous Moon

Notes: 1Dealate and 1male, last days and nights very cold, today sunny and warm so no inversion of air wich failed the flights in the last years(not able to lift from the ground), first attempt of nuptial occured a month ago

Frankfurt (Main) Sportanlage Harheim, 60437 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Atm. state: Sunny | 30.00ºC - 86.00ºF | Humidity: Not set | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Not set | Lunar cycle:  Waxing Crescent Moon


Siegesstraße 10, 80802 München, Germany
Atm. state: Sunny | 30.00ºC - 86.00ºF | Humidity: 58% | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Not set | Lunar cycle:  New Moon

Notes: She was found in a cobweb with other queens. When I came back for the others they were all gone. It's a pity as I know that they are a polygynous species. (The date and time are not accurate as I am doing this later). She may not be fertile as I don't know if she had time to mate before getting caught in the cobweb but I'll try my luck.

Siegesstraße 10, 80802 München, Germany
Atm. state: Sunny | 30.00ºC - 86.00ºF | Humidity: 58% | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Not set | Lunar cycle:  New Moon

Notes: She was found in a cobweb with other queens. When I came back for the others they were all gone. It's a pity as I know that they are a polygynous species. (The date and time are not accurate as I am doing this later). She may not be fertile as I don't know if she had time to mate before getting caught in the cobweb but I'll try my luck.

Zehntwerderweg 38, 13469 Berlin, Germany
Atm. state: Overcast | 26.00ºC - 78.80ºF | Humidity: 53% | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Low | Lunar cycle:  New Moon

Notes: After short rain on a Hot Day, normally flight takes place in august/september
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About is a public worldwide system for registration of ant mating flights created by Rubén Argüeso. Our goal is to provide a tool that allows users around the world to register related data globally. Our target audience ranges from amateurs who like to raise ants in captivity to myrmecologists, professionals or researchers. This website is not for profit. is part of the network of useful websites of A.I.M. (Iberian Association of Mirmecology). More info on our website: