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Worldwide ant nuptial flights data

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Last nuptial flights

Days old: 
<= 2
2 - 3
3 - 7
7 - 15
15 - 365
>= 365

28500 Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain
Atm. state: Overcast | 24.00ºC - 75.20ºF | Humidity: 62% | Wind: Light air | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: High | Lunar cycle:  New Moon

Notes: 1 Crematogaster auberti winged queen, found alongside with Messor. Probably fecundated

8H47+RR Arganda del Rey, Spain
Atm. state: Overcast | 24.00ºC - 75.20ºF | Humidity: 63% | Wind: Light air | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: High | Lunar cycle:  New Moon

Notes: A lot of dealate queens excavating in the ground

46960 Aldaia, Valencia, Spain
Atm. state: Sunny | 28.00ºC - 82.40ºF | Humidity: 73% | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Low | Lunar cycle:  New Moon

Notes: Tras llover torrencialmente desde las 9am a las 11am a las 13h salieron y a las 15h ya se podían ver cientos y cientos de reinas sin alas y otras con alguna ala puesta correteando en busca de su nuevo hogar

46901 Torrent, Valencia, Spain
Atm. state: Overcast | 20.00ºC - 68.00ºF | Humidity: 93% | Wind: Light | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Low | Lunar cycle:  New Moon

Notes: Tras una mañana tormentosa, varios machos en una terraza (20-30) y solo dos hembras aladas, una de ellas se quito las alas al meterla al tubo de ensayo y la otra continua con alas al dia siguiente

F78H+CF Montgat, Spain
Atm. state: Cloudy | 26.00ºC - 78.80ºF | Humidity: 62% | Wind: Light air | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Not set | Lunar cycle:  New Moon


28500 Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain
Atm. state: Sunny | 24.00ºC - 75.20ºF | Humidity: 51% | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: High | Lunar cycle:  Waning Crescent Moon

Notes: A lot of activity in the nests entrance, and alates coming out. Will probably fly in around 30 minutes

39557 Pejanda, Cantabria, Spain
Atm. state: Cloudy | 21.00ºC - 69.80ºF | Humidity: 54% | Wind: Light air | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: High | Lunar cycle:  Waning Crescent Moon

Notes: Alone on the floor

JWF2+FM Felipe II, Spain
Atm. state: Cloudy | 22.00ºC - 71.60ºF | Humidity: 75% | Wind: Light air | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: Medium | Lunar cycle:  Waning Crescent Moon


03370 Redován, Alicante, Spain
Atm. state: Cloudy | Not set | Humidity: Not set | Wind: Calm | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: High | Lunar cycle:  Last Quarter Moon

Notes: Preparando vuelo en colonia cercana

03370 Redován, Alicante, Spain
Atm. state: Cloudy | 23.00ºC - 73.40ºF | Humidity: 82% | Wind: Light air | Rain: No | Atm. pressure: High | Lunar cycle:  Last Quarter Moon

Notes: Avistamiento de vuelo de camponotus pilicornis.
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About is a public worldwide system for registration of ant mating flights created by Rubén Argüeso. Our goal is to provide a tool that allows users around the world to register related data globally. Our target audience ranges from amateurs who like to raise ants in captivity to myrmecologists, professionals or researchers. This website is not for profit. is part of the network of useful websites of A.I.M. (Iberian Association of Mirmecology). More info on our website: